
(all types together, organized by year, all downloadable)


Soriano, C. & Ogarkova, A. (2025). The meaning of “frustration” across languages. Language and Cognition, 17, e16, 1-21.


Ogarkova, A. & Soriano, C. (2022). Anger from a language-based perspective. In Gesine Lenore Schiewer, Jeanette Altarriba and Bee Chin Ng (eds.), Language and Emotion. An International Handbook.  (Vol. 2, Ch. 52, pp. 1090-1108). Berlin, Boston: Mouton de Gruyter. DOI:

Piata, A. & Soriano, C. (2022). The affect bias in the metaphorical representation of anticipated events: The case of approach. Metaphor and the Social World, 12 (1): 115 – 137.  DOI:

Soriano, C. (2022). Affective meaning in language. In  Gesine Lenore Schiewer, Jeanette Altarriba and Bee Chin Ng (eds.), Language and Emotion. An International Handbook (Vol 1, Ch. 23, pp. 489-510).  Berlin, Boston: Mouton de Gruyter. DOI:

Soriano, C. & Valenzuela, J (2022). The size of shame and pride. Testing metonymy in the figurative representation of moral emotions. Review of Cognitive Linguistics, 20 (1): 210 – 230. DOI:


Fontaine, J. R. J, Gillioz, C., Soriano, C. & Scherer, K.R (2021).  Linear and non-linear relationships among the dimensions representing the cognitive structure of emotion. Cognition and Emotion. DOI: 10.1080/02699931.2021.2013163►► Free download


Loderer, K., Gentsch. K., Duffy, M.C., Zhu, M., Xie. X., Chavarría, J.A., Vogl, E., Soriano, C., Scherer, K.R. & Pekrun, R. (2020). Are concepts of achievement emotions universal across cultures? A semantic profiling approach. Cognition and EmotionDOI: 10.1080/02699931.2020.1748577 ►► Free download


Ogarkova, A. & Soriano, C. (2018) Metaphorical and literal profiling in the study of emotions. Metaphor and Symbol, 33(1): 19-35. ►► Free download

Ogarkova, A., Soriano, C. & Gladkova, A. (2018). Methodological triangulation in the study of emotion. The case of ‘anger’ in three language groups. In Ana María Piquer-Píriz and Rafael Alejo-González (Eds.), Applying Cognitive Linguistics. Figurative language in use, constructions and typology (pp. 73-100). Amsterdam/ Philadelphia: John Benjamins.

Gentsch, K, Loderer, K., Soriano, C., Fontaine. J. R. J., Eid, M., Pekrun, R. & Scherer, K (2018). Effects of achievement contexts on the meaning structure of emotion words, Cognition and Emotion, 32(2): 379-388. DOI: 10.1080/02699931.2017.1287668. ►►Free download


Gillioz, C., Fontaine, J.R.J., Soriano, C. & Scherer, K.R. (2016). Mapping emotion terms into affective space: Further evidence for a four-dimensional structure. Swiss Journal of Psychology, 75 (3): 141-148 .DOI: 10.1024/1421-0185/a000180

Ogarkova, A., Soriano, C. & Gladkova, A. (2016). Methodological triangulation in the study of emotion. The case of ‘anger’ in three language groups. Review of Cognitive Linguistics, 14(1): 73-101. DOI:

Soriano, C. (2016). El lenguaje de las emociones. In M. C. Horno Chéliz, I. Ibarretxe Antuñano & J.L. Mendívil Giró (Eds.). Panorama actual de la ciencia del lenguaje (pp. 243-259). Zaragoza: Prensas de la Universidad de Zaragoza. [G book]


Soriano, C., Fontaine, J. R. J. & Scherer, K. R. (2015). Surprise in the GRID. In A. Celle & L. Lansari (Eds.), “Expressing and Describing Surprise”. Special issue of Review of Cognitive Linguistics, 13(2): 436-460. DOI 10.1075/rcl.13.2.07sor

Soriano, C. (2015). Emotion and conceptual metaphor. In H. Flam and J. Kleres (Eds.), Methods of Exploring Emotions (pp. 206-214). New York & London: Routledge.


Ogarkova, A. & Soriano, C. (2014). Emotion and the body: A corpus-based investigation of metaphorical containers of anger across languages. International Journal of Cognitive Linguistics, 5(2): 147-179.

Ogarkova, A. & Soriano, C. (2014). Variation within universals: The ‘metaphorical profile’ approach to the study of ANGER concepts in English, Russian and Spanish. In A. Musolff, F. MacArthur and G. Pagani (Eds.). Metaphor and Intercultural Communication (pp. 93-116). London: Bloomsbury.


Alonso-Arbiol, Soriano C., van de Vijver, F. (2013). The conceptualisation of despair in Basque, Spanish, and English. In J. R. J. Fontaine, K. R. Scherer & C. Soriano (eds). Components of emotional meaning: A sourcebook (pp. 311-327). Oxford: Oxford University Press. DOI:

Fontaine, J. R. J., Scherer. K. R. & Soriano, C. (2013a). A paradigm for a multidisciplinary investigation of the meaning of emotion terms.In J. R. J. Fontaine, K. R. Scherer & C. Soriano (eds). Components of emotional meaning: A sourcebook (pp. 1-4) Oxford: Oxford University Press. DOI:

Fontaine. J. R. J., Scherer, K. R. & Soriano, C. (Eds.) (2013b). Components of emotional meaning: A sourcebook. Oxford: Oxford University Press. DOI: [SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS]

Scherer, K. R., Fontaine, J.R.J. & Soriano, C. (2013a). CoreGRID and MiniGRID: Development and validation of two short versions of the GRID instrument. In J. R. J. Fontaine, K. R. Scherer & C. Soriano (eds). Components of emotional meaning: A sourcebook (pp. 523-541). Oxford: Oxford University Press. DOI:

Scherer, K. R., Fontaine, J.R.J. & Soriano, C. (2013b). Promises delivered, future opportunities and challenges for the GRID paradigm. In J. R. J. Fontaine, K. R. Scherer & C. Soriano (eds). Components of emotional meaning: A sourcebook (pp. 542-559). Oxford: Oxford University Press. DOI:

Scherer, K. R., Shuman, V., Fontaine, J.R.J. & Soriano, C. (2013). The GRID meets the Wheel: Assessing emotional feeling via self-report. In J. R. J. Fontaine, K. R. Scherer & C. Soriano (eds). Components of emotional meaning: A sourcebook (pp. 281-298). Oxford: Oxford University Press. DOI:

Soriano C. (2013a) Conceptual metaphor theory and the GRID paradigm in the study of anger in English and Spanish. In J. R. J. Fontaine, K. R. Scherer & C. Soriano (eds). Components of emotional meaning: A sourcebook (pp. 410-424). Oxford: Oxford University Press. DOI:

Soriano C. (2013b) Linguistic theories of lexical meaning. In J. R. J. Fontaine, K. R. Scherer & C. Soriano (eds). Components of emotional meaning: A sourcebook (pp. 63-79). Oxford: Oxford University Press. DOI:

Soriano, C., Fontaine, J. R. J., Ogarkova, A., Mejía, C., Volkova, Y., Ionova S. & Shakhovskyy, V. (2013). Types of anger in Spanish and Russian. In J. R. J. Fontaine, K. R. Scherer & C. Soriano (eds). Components of emotional meaning: A sourcebook (pp. 339-352). Oxford: Oxford University Press. DOI:


Ogarkova, A, Soriano, C & Lehr, C. (2012). Naming feeling: Exploring the equivalence of emotion terms in five European languages. In Wilson, P. A. (ed.) Dynamicity in Emotion Concepts (pp. 253-284) (Lodz Studies in Language, vol 27). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.

Soriano C. (2012) La metáfora conceptual. In Ibarretxe-Antuñano, Iraide & Javier Valenzuela (eds.). Lingüística Cognitiva (pp 97-121). Barcelona: Anthropos.


Ogarkova, A., Soriano, C., & C. Lehr (2010). Cultural specificity in labeling emotional scenarios: a case study of ANGER, SHAME, GUILT, and PRIDE in five European languages. In V.I. Shakhovskyy (Ed.) Human communication: motives, strategies, tactics (pp. 71-84). Volgograd: Peremena.


Soriano, C. & Ogarkova, A. (2009). Linguistics and emotion. In Sander, David & Klaus R. Scherer (eds.). Oxford Companion to Emotion and the Affective Sciences (pp. 240-242). Oxford University Press.

Soriano, C. & Valenzuela, J. (2009a). Are conceptual metaphors accessible online? A psycholinguistic exploration of the CONTROL IS UP metaphor. In Valenzuela, J, Rojo, A. & Soriano, C. (eds), Trends in Cognitive Linguistics: Theoretical and Applied Models (pp. 29-49). Frankfurt: Peter Lang.

Soriano, C & Valenzuela, J (2009b). Emotion and colour across languages: Implicit associations in Spanish colour terms. Social Science Information 48(3): 421-445. DOI:

Valenzuela, J. Rojo, A. & Soriano, C. (Eds.) (2009). Trends in Cognitive Linguistics: Theoretical and Applied Models. Frankfurt: Peter Lang [G book]


Valenzuela, J. & Soriano, C. (2007a). Looking at metaphors: A picture-word priming task as a test for the existence of conceptual metaphor. Barcelona English Language and Literature Studies (BELLS), 16.

Valenzuela, J. & Soriano, C. (2007b). Reading anger stories: A lexical decision task as a test for the existence of metaphorical representation. In Ibarretxe-Antuñano, I., Inchaurralde, C. & Sánchez, J. (eds), Language, Mind and the Lexicon (pp. 281-303). Frankfurt: Peter Lang.


Soriano, C. (2005). The conceptualization of anger in English and Spanish. A cognitive approach. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. University of Murcia (Spain). DOWNLOAD HERE

Valenzuela, J. & Soriano, C. (2005). Cognitive metaphor and empirical methods. Barcelona English Language and Literature Studies (BELLS), 14: 1-19.


Barcelona, A. & Soriano, C. (2004). Metaphorical conceptualization in English and Spanish. European Journal of English Studies (EJES), 8-3: 295-308. DOI:


Soriano, C. (2003). Some anger metaphors in Spanish and English. A contrastive review. Contrastive Cognitive Linguistics, monograph issue of the International Journal of English Studies (IJES), 3-2: 107-122


Soriano, C. (2002). Metáforas y metonimias cognitivas en la conceptualización de la ira. Estudio contrastivo inglés-español. Interlingüística, 13-3: 391-401.